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List of Programming Shareware-Freeware download sites

This list was designated for developers who want to upload their software to download sites. It gives you details about download sites, their way of receiving new software as well as updating the software.
The list includes sites qualified by quick search engine or clearly arranged categories.
In any case the list includes all the download sites which we found support PAD file.
Every site included here must have "programming" category and must include shareware softwares as well as allows including ActiveX Controls. In any case the download sites do not force to link back and are free of charge.
You may upload your software to some of the download sites or all of them by yourself, or maybe you want to do that by using third party product/service that uploads and updates your software to download sites.
Find broken link?    Find any wrong information in the list?
You know about a download site which is not included here and stands with the above terms?
please let us know

You can see review about the list at Lockergnome who is one of the most popular e-mail newsletters on the internet

Link PAD Update software Remarks
1000Files Robot Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
2000Shareware   Manually Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
2Haveit Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, send page to a friend. Updating is actually done immediately after submitting the changes.
32BIT   Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits.
Active-X   Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description. This site has collection of ActiveX Components as ActiveX Control, ActiveX Dll etc. Updating is actually done immediately after submitting the changes.
Ab-Archive Robot Includes: long description, download hits. You can switch language to Dutch
aFreeGo Robot Includes: brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
Asp-Shareware Direct link to PAD-file Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
BillsSoftwarePicks Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: long description, screenshot.
BlueChillies   Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, send page to a friend.
BrotherSoft Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot.
CadLoads Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
Downlinx Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot, send page to a friend.
Download-Ware Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot. Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits.
Download32 Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot, send page to a friend.
Download4you Manually Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
DownloadAstro Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot.
DownloadFreetrial Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
DownloadOholic Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, send page to a friend.
Downloadsoft-Ware   Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot. Updating is actually done immediately after submitting the changes.
DownloadThat Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot, download hits.
DownloadsArea Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description.
Ecoservers Direct link to PAD-file Includes: brief description, screenshot.
EfreeDown Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description.
EzGoal   Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description.
EzSoft   Manually Includes: long description, screenshot.
Fdepot   Manually Includes: brief and long description.
File-Archive Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
FileBasket Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
FileCart Manually Includes: brief description, download hits, screenshot.
FileChicken Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief description, download hits, screenshot.
FileGuru Robot Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
FileHungry Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
FileProfile Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
Files32 Manually Includes: brief description, download hits, screenshot.
FileTransit Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot. Updating is actually done within 24 hours after submitting the changes.
FinalDownload Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits.
GoLoads Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
GonnaSoft Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
GoodFiles Robot Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
GrassHeap Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief description, download hits, screenshot.
GregSoft Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
HandyArchive Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
Harris' Hangar   Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits.
HotLib Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, send page to a friend.
Hot-Software   Manually Includes: rating, long description.
HotWinFiles Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
IndianKey   Manually Includes: long description, screenshot.
Jayde   Manually Includes: is a search engine directory with 1 million plus site listings, each site with brief description.
MillionsKies Robot Includes: brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
MyZips Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits.
Necromancers Direct link to PAD-file Includes: brief and long description, screenshot. You can switch language to Russian
NetDownload   Manually Includes: brief and long description. Updating is actually done immediately after submitting the changes.
NetWorld   Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits.
OneKit Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot.
PadRing Robot Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
PaulsPicks Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: long description.
PeachSeed Robot Includes: brief description, download hits, screenshot.
ProgramFiles Robot Includes: brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
ProgrammersHeaven Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
ProgramUrl Robot Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
Quality-Shareware Manually Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
ReviewNow Manually Includes: rating, long description, download hits.
SAX   Manually Includes: Shareware Author index is a search engine by name, keyword, and computer platform, each site with brief description.
Share32 Robot Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
SharewareConnection Robot Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
SharewareJunction Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
SharewarePlaza Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
SharewareRiver Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
SharewareTree Robot Includes: brief description, screenshot.
Simtel Manually Includes: long description, download hits. Simtel.Net collections are periodically published on CD-ROM.
for updating you need to upload again your Zip file and its companion PAD-file.
SkylarkUtilities   Manually Includes: brief and long description, download hits.
Sofotex Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot.
Soft14 Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: long description, download hits, screenshot
Soft2Share Manually Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
SoftAndco Robot Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
Sofland Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, long description, screenshot
SoftList   Manually Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot. Updating is actually done within one hour after submitting the changes.
SoftPicks Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
SoftScout   Manually Includes: brief and long description, send page to a friend.
SoftPile Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits.
SoftwareMirror Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
SoftwareSeeker Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief and long description, send page to a friend.
SoftwareVault Robot Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
SuperDownloads Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot. This is a great Brazilian site with Spanish language, but the html page for uploading your pad file written with English language.
Sw-Club Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: brief description, screenshot.
TopShareware Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot.
TotalShareware   Manually Includes: brief and long description, screenshot. Updating is actually done immediately after submitting the changes.
Ukwares Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
UltraSoftware Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
Wapti Robot Includes: brief and long description, download hits, screenshot.
WindowsPC   Manually Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
WinPicks   Manually Includes: brief and long description, screenshot.
WinSite Resubmit the PAD-file Includes: rating, brief and long description, download hits.
WiredApps Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot.
WorldSsp Robot Includes: rating, brief and long description, screenshot.

PAD file
What is PAD file?
PAD uses next generation web technology, XML!
With XML, data can be easily extracted and parsed by any XML toolkit. The PAD file includes all the most frequently requested information needed for uploading your software to download sites and they can extract all the information in a snap!
In order to submit your software by one click, the download site has to support PAD file. The above table denotes the sites which support this.

How to create PAD file?
Go to ASP site - Association of Shareware Professionals
This site has more details about PAD file, as well as free PAD file generator program -
PADGEN that can be downloaded from

How to check if your PAD file is setup correctly?
If your PAD-file is not setup correctly then it will be rejected by download sites whenever you try to upload it.
In order to prevent rejection it will be a good way to check your PAD-file before submitting it. You may want to use the online PAD file Validation Tool to verify that your PAD file is OK.

Update software in download site
There are some methods of updating softwares in the download sites as follows:
Direct link to the PAD-file
The download site has direct link to your PAD-file URL.
This is the fastest updating because the download site points to your PAD-file URL, so every changes done in your PAD-file will be reflected immediately in the download site. Actually there is no need to update the download site.

The download site has "Pad Puller" which acts overnight or every few days, usually it acts at least once a week. The "Pad Poller" will fetch your PAD-file from your site to the download site and updates it if necessary.

Resubmit the PAD-file
You have to browse to the upload page of the download site and resubmit your PAD-file. Some sites, after resubmitting PAD-file, parse the content into fields and let you change them and then confirm by clicking "Submit".

With all download sites which do not support PAD-file you are forced to update your software manually. However, some of them reflect the changes immediately after you click "Submit". Such sites noted above in the remarks section.
Also, you have to update manually your software in some of download sites which support PAD-file.

Third party product/service
Here are some third party product/service that upload and update your software to download sites:
Shareware Tracker
Aid Submission Genius
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